Metals and metal constructures


With the participation of the Paton Institute of our company, a production complex for the smelting of titanium slabs and ingots of electron-beam remelting was created at the Ukrainian enterprise Faroteks. This technology makes it possible to remelt charge of ANY FORM, from small parts to large billets. It is possible to melt a sponge of secondary quality (TGOP), while the yield and product quality do not decrease.

At the moment, our company melts up to 300 tons per month of slabs weighing 10 tons or round ingots of any section up to 900 mm.

At the peak of Farotex's activity, production at 2 plants reached 200 tons per month of Titanium CP (p.h.). In this case, a THOP sponge was successfully used.

Another important advantage was the GSP status for the import of Ukrainian slab to the USA. Farotex products have been exempted from capturing 15% import duty!

Our engineering company has experience in the manufacture and commissioning of storage units. (We have manufactured, delivered and put into operation 2 units in China and one in Japan)